Friday, January 23, 2009

Teacher, were you once fat? Ms. Loke took me by surprised when she asked that question. I was not offended for I knew she just wanted to solve her curiosity. I answered her by saying yes. She had the guts to ask so I gave her the answer. Ms. Loke is on my ‘interesting students list’. Reason is because she is different from the rest. She is just special and I like her. She makes me smile.
Today, as I was window shopping after a squash game, in my worst attire with my colleagues, I heard ‘TEACHER!’ and then Ms. Loke appeared from nowhere asking me ‘teacher, are you engaged?’ I was surprised by her once again. How on earth did she find out? I doubt any of my colleagues would have been nosy enough to announce it. And then she said, ‘from your blog lah teacher, I read your blog’. I felt like putting a bag over my head when I heard that. She had been reading my blog! Goodness gracious me. But then again, I should expect that to happen shouldn’t I? After all I did not make my blog private and I placed it on the internet. So, will I be making any changes? I guess not for now. I have nothing much to hide although it does not excite me to discover that my blog is being read by my own students.


mel said...

& this is one of the reasons I made my own blog private ...

jennvaz said...

I did not set my blog to be private because I got in touch with long lost friends through this blog. It's amazing how old friends just drop by through the blog. I guess, there's pros and cons. Which one shall I forgo?

Anonymous said...

it has been ages since i last sit down and read blog. I guess I've been missing so much. so, when is the big day? he he he

Anonymous said...

gotcha, Jen!! hahahha..

jennvaz said...

cibol, i don't know when is the day. It's not so simple as there's many things to put into consideration