Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Of late, I’ve listened to talks and have had encounters with few people, I suddenly realized my idea towards my faith is different and sometimes it is frustrating to hear how non believers are being criticized for what they believe in. Sometimes I wonder is it me who has a problem or is it others. When people are louder and more confident, I get angry at myself for knowing so little about my faith, being unable to stand firm on what I believe is right and convince others to reconsider their thoughts.
For the past three years, I’ve been pretty much protected when it comes to faith. I worked in the church where 90% of the people whom I encountered with believe in the same God. We were not 100% agreeable in every matter but our ideologies came from the same source, the bible.
Things are different now, 90% of the people I encounter with do not share the same ideologies as the Catholic church. Everyone has their own interpretation of who God is and what God wants. I have difficulty accepting and agreeing to their point of view. It is tough and I sense what I’m feeling is only the beginning. More is expected to come and I pray for wisdom and maturity to face what is about to come.

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