Friday, April 18, 2008

I watched the movie “Hotel Rwanda” last night, the similar feeling of sadness and shock when I watched the movie “Shooting Dogs” overwhelmed me. Both of these movies showed how violent people can be, to cold bloodedly murder another living being without having any sense of guilt or compassion.
It is indeed shocking to realize that human beings have the ability to be cruel towards another being. To me, it is unacceptable when a majority of people choose to wipe out innocent people mercilessly for no solid reason. How can people actually choose to join in the crowd to do things that they know is not right. It makes me wonder sometimes if those people actually use their brains to think, for if they do, obviously they must be suffering from some mental breakdown so much so that they are unable to control their emotions and conduct such inhuman acts without having any sense of guilt.
What has happened in Rwanda has toned down but in many parts of the world such violence still exist. People are still being murdered for not specific reason. The UN and other peacekeepers can work efficiently and do their job but violence will never end if we continue to allow crazy leaders to poison the minds of the innocents and convert them to be heartless beings.
I am not a perfect human being, often, I have evil thoughts too. However, there is also compassion and charity within me and these little voices always prevent me from going overboard with my actions. I believe everyone has those little voices too, perhaps they were too scared to listen to it and opted instead to follow the crowd because it was more convenient? I seriously do not believe that human beings were born to be evil, God would never have made us this way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

This is the show that has the men wearing khakis and brandishing guns and rounding up students who were then running away from these men, whilst they ran, they are one by one shot all dead to the ground? I got a feeling it has that particular scence that you've described. I cannot remember the title of the show but I remember where I watched such a show that portrays harsh genocide before and it is about an Afican nation. Reminds us of how we have not learn from history or even from what had happened some 63 years ago which saw the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Certainly not what we were made to be by the Creator.

jennvaz said...

THat is definately not the scene in Hotel Rwanda but I can't remember if that was a scene in shooting dogs.However, that was indeed how they killed people in the genocide.....
...I guess people often overlook history because they are empowered by other factors and what happens in history becomes a small matter

mel said...

I was reading 'The English Patient' & one of the characters (Kip) was questioning the bombing of Nagasaki & Hiroshima - would they have done the same to a Western country, say Britain, France or even Germany? Probably not.

I wonder, would the world be so silent if such blatant genocide was happening in the US, the UK or Europe? I nearly answered, No, until I remembered the Holocaust.