Friday, December 07, 2007


Fleeeng....fleeeing.....fleeeeg.......the sound of blades hitting the concrete woke me up this morning. I looked out my window and I saw our neighbour sharpening her chopper in the garden.

Though I was a bit annoyed that the noise she made woke me up, I felt at home. The lady reminded me of my mom. Like that lady, my mom used to sharpen her kitchen knifes in the garden, and yes she did make those annoying noise. I have never communicated with this neighbour across the street but I am happy that they are my neighbour. They remind me of my family and yes the aroma that comes from their kitchen really makes me think of home

All of a sudden, I miss home......I miss my neighbourhood.......

(our lady neighbour in action)

1 comment:

cibol said...

nothing feels like home eh ?



P/S : Wah only blogger user can comment ah?????? I'm not a blogger user eh .. I have an account though. PPPP