Thursday, November 20, 2008

I guess I owe some of you an explanation on my absence. Some of you may be aware that dad has not been to well. His condition has yet to improve; in fact I am not sure if he will recover.
He was down with flu a few weeks ago. Dad has always had weak lungs and coughing is never a rare thing. In fact, it is his daily routine to cough, so we never took his coughing seriously until two weeks ago. I got a little worried when I heard him wheezing. It sounded different from his usual cough. So I took him to the doctor who gave him the breathalyzer. Two days later, he failed to recover and I asked my sister to bring him to GH and she did. The doctors gave him strong doses of medication but it did not help. Last week, before leaving for work, I realized that his condition was not good and both my sister and I decided to get him admitted into the hospital and he has been there since then.
He is diagnosed with pneumonia, which means both his lungs are filled with water or some call it mucous and he has bacteria in his blood too. Pneumonia can be cured but it is often fatal among the aged and children.
He is not dying but he is not well. He cries to go home and sometimes we wonder if we should bring him home. Yesterday he said:’ tomorrow, when you bring my body home……………’ I don’t know how to respond when he speaks like that. He is definitely miserable and unhappy. Doctor said, we might need to insert tubes into his body to feed him and we don’t know if it is the right thing to do. It will not ease his pain and everyone is well aware that he is not enjoying a single bit of it; even pampering him does not ease the pain.
Definitely papa’s admission into the hospital has added on some level of stress in our lives but we are coping pretty fine with it, our only concern now would be his future and also the hospital bills. In moments like this, I guess there is not much one can do but perhaps pray for strength and courage. So do keep us all in prayer that the best decisions are made.


Chris Wee SJ said...

Hi Jenn, I can understand how things are with you at this time. Been through it myself, it's the time we pray we know what to do, for many of our decisions can be selfishly for ourselves. I guess this is the time too where we see the unexplainable part of life, of accepting and of letting go, and of whatever will be. You and your family, particularly your dad are in my prayer and let's continue to trust and hope in our Lord. Take care.

jennvaz said...

thank you Fr. lets hope for the best

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn..have been following your blog without leaving comments, all these while. I'll keep you and your family in prayer too. May God provides you hope and strength. Take care. =)

Iris said...

Jenn, I will pray for you and your family...Hug

Anonymous said...

It must be very difficult for you with what you're going through.. hope and wish the best for ya.