Monday, August 04, 2008

They call him Popeye in class. He is unique and likes to maintain a low profile. Here’s a journal written by him. I did not edit anything. This journal may sound a little confusing but I like his style. I’m impressed with his honesty though I find this guy a little mysterious.
Who am I?

Who am I? I always wonder if I am who I think I am or am I entirely someone else? Am I really a human? I do not know the answer for sure since I was brought up to believe that I am one. I think that deep inside me lies a very kind person. But sometimes, I am evil and cruel. Does a wicked person like me think of himself as kind and caring? This bothers me since I can’t make up my mind to be good or evil. I always get confused whenever I am faced with the challenge of doing things either the good way or the evil way.
Both fortune and misfortune excites me greatly. As much as I like a good ending to a story, I also enjoy bad endings equally as well. Whether or not I have pity for others is a big question mark. Although every time something terrible occurs on some unfortunate fellow, I feel a deep pity for the situation he has landed himself in, but at the same time, I am pointing my index finger and laughing at his misery. So who am I really? I think I myself is the only one who has the answer.

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