Thursday, May 08, 2008

2nd May 08

I could not help but laughed when I read the headlines this morning. He did not want the parliamentary proceedings to be broadcasted because he felt that it was like a circus and he did not want the citizens to see what was happening because it was shameful. In other words, he was ashamed of the parliament that he led. He found them embarrassing and did not want us commoners to see the clowns in action. And so he hides them? Hoping that we, the citizens do not see and know that we have wrongly elected our leaders? My goodness I thought! I guess I need not elaborate for you to guess what’s working in my head.

Anyway, today while I was waiting at the customer service in Tesco today, I could not help but over hear this excited old lady’s conversation with the TESCO staff.

“Nama saya XYZ, saya tau, nama saya sangat special” (She looked Chinese but had a really special name)
“Aiseh aunty,you punya nama, aunty ni Melayu kah?”
“Oh, bapa saya Melayu Brunei, Mak saya Cina mali, gua punya suami orang Cina, gua punya anak kahwin Iban pun ada, Arab pun ada, Cina pun ada, Melanau ada, Korea pun ada, saya ni banyak international punya huh”
“So aunty ni agama apa?”
“Oh, saya Kristian tapi, anak saya muslim lah, kan suami Arab, mana mungkin agama lain kan.”
The staff looks at me and smiles.
“Dik ni umur berapa? Nampak mudah saja”
“Aiyoh Aunty, saya sudah tiga puluh lima dah”
“Haiyor, you ni nampak macam dua puluhan saja lo, you ni ada susuk kah?”
“Mana ada lah aunty, anak sudah ada tiga lo, aunty ni mulut banyak manis lah”
“Eh, mana ada, saya hanya cakap benar saja lah”

I had to leave, that aunty continued to butter the Tesco staff. I thought it was sweet, it’s so rare these days to have customers who really care for a conversation, I’m sure that Tesco staff was a happier lady today thanks to that old lady. I would not mind having someone like that old lady as my grandmother. She was such a happy go lucky.

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