I replied, "not really, but my eyes are real busy, no time to look elsewhere"
I met Ms Teoh for the first time yesterday, she is somehow related to me and is currently working in Leeds, she and her mum got in touch with us and we had lunch together. It was indeed lovely to spend time togather. Thought we were strangers initially, we became friends and guess what, I've been invited to visit Leeds, but of course, I need to earn some money first hahaha.
We went to the Mardi Gras Parade. First time for all of us and ghee.....it was like a whole new world for me. Mardi Gras is a gay and lesbian parade held annually in Sydney as a sign of support to the gay and lesbian community. It's a parade with street party, a grand celebration indeed it was though to be honest, it's not my kind of party.
Here's some pictures from the parade which I curi from the internet, my camera batteries went flat before I could take any good shots. There were some really wild sceans but I can't find a good picture to show. Sorry lah.
wah.. having a great time there? :)
Do put up more pictures.. hehe
Great time? Well.....good times happen everywhere, it's how we use it =)
I'll try to take more good pics, but suddenly I have become less contented with my shots, cheers Mary!
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