Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Going nuts

I go crazy over nuts and only those who know me well will know it. If you want me to like a fruit cake, it must have nuts, chocolates with nuts makes me happy, cakes with lots of almonds satisfy me and oh yes, ice creams with nutty toppings delights me.

My only problem is that, this nut business is a little bit expensive to maintain. The average price for a packet of 120gram mixed nuts is around RM 7.50. And because of this, I need to abstain from eating it. Every bite that I get on a nut becomes so precious.

Leslie knows that I love nuts though he might not understand why. Each time we do grocery shopping, I’ll go to the nut section to check out the price, hoping for some special promotion to take place.

This morning, when he came over, he handed me a very unattractive plastic bag. I asked him what it was and he said it was food lorr. When I opened it, I could not believe my eyes, 2 packets of mixed nuts, just for me. HE BOUGHT ME NUTS! Leslie bought me nuts! Unbelievable, ghee…I feel loved…….I am still sick, but I could not resist it, I’ve opened one packet already and yes, I’m rationing my intake of these nuts, so that I won’t finish them too soon. Hahahaha!

Now how do I like my nuts? Well….firstly, I like it pure, unsalted and FRESH! I also like nuts that are still unopened, still in it’s shell. Cracking nuts and eating it with some good company is definitely a great way to pastime.

(Just for me hehehehehe)

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