Sunday, January 15, 2012

11th January. Leslie was already waiting for me at the labor room. It was comforting to see him, to know that he would be by my side. I was pushed into the labor room. Two nurses were already there, I could here them saying 'new client has arrived! who is this new client?' as they pushed me onto the bed. 10 minutes later a senior doctor with around 5 students came to examine me. My cervix was still open at 4cm only. The doctor instructed the student to burst my water bag. This is it she said, your bag is broken and you will have your baby today. So they left me in the bed as the wait continued.

A doctor walked in and offered me Epidural. I rejected the offer but the pain got even more intense. Another doctor walked in and offered it to me again but still I rejected. Then the nurse came and asked me if I was sure. She warned me that the pain would be worse later on and it would be too late by then to get the Epidural. After discussing with Leslie, I gave in to the Epidural. It was a relief. All the pain just went away. I only felt the pain each time there was a contraction.

At 2pm, a doctor came to check my cervix, it was still at 4cm. I heard him speak of C-section. He was pretty adamant about it but the other doctors said to give me another chance. The nurse gave me Syntocinon Drip to increase the contraction with the hope to speed up the opening of the cervix. At 4.30pm, another doctor came to check the cervix. It was only open at 5cm. She gave me a sympathetic look and said " I'm so sorry but we will have to operate you" I could feel Leslie's heart sink. He was so reluctant while I was scared. At 5.30 pm, they wheeled me into the operation theater. The doctor assured us that we were in safe hands and she would ensure that she would do her very best. She also assured Leslie that he will be able to see the baby right after the procedure was completed.

I lost my focus the moment I was wheeled into the theater. Everything happened so fast. I don't know why but I started to shiver non stop. Though awake, I was not conscious. I was just trying my best not to bite my tongue as the shivering was so severe. It was as though I was having fits. I could here people talking but I did not know when they took the baby out. At 6.35pm they brought the baby towards my face and showed me his gender. They wiped him clean and told me to kiss the baby before sending him out to Leslie. Gregory was finally delivered, I was relieved but a little regretful that i could not really savor the moment.


Janice said...

shivering is absolutely normal in the operation theater. I shivered badly too, throughout the whole process, and even shivered for half an hour after I was transfered to wad.

jennvaz said...

same lah, it really shocked me