Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Her confirmation name is Ann, today she celebrates her 23rd Birthday. This girl, I got to know since I moved into Xavier Hall. She is a very nice and sweet girl to have as a friend. No doubt, there are certain things in her that I can’t stand but I guess the positive attitude that she has towards others overpowers her negative points.

I like her yet words can’t describe why. It just feels so comfortable to be with her. I feel secure and cared for every time I’m with her. Thank you Ms. Yap for being such a lovely friend, thank you for sharing your bayam soups with me and of course for loaning me your bike. May our friendship continue to bloom in our little glutton’s paradise where the pearl of the orient is.

Happy Birthday my dear Ms Yap, may God bless you abundantly with many more happy years to come.

(Ms Yap with all the nice people in XHRC)

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