The Fruit
The Seed
Within the seed
This is Dabai, I first tasted dabai this Chinese New Year when I was in Sarawak. I did not really appreciate it initially but as I took more of it, I acquired a liking towards it. Dabai is only found in Sarawak, particularly in Sibu. According to an article, the dabai tree is planted mostly along the Rejang River. Some people describe Dabai as the Sarawakian Olive. I can’t really commend on that as I have yet to taste the real fresh olive but I do believe that there is some truth in it.
Dabai has a unique taste, like durian, you either love it or hate it. The flesh is lemak (creamy) and yes I think it is fattening. For most people, the best part of the fruit lies in the seed. The seed is like a nut, you need to crack it to eat it’s content and it’s simply delicious. The only setback is that the seed is pretty hard to crack, therefore patience is needed.
Like nuts, every mouth of dabai is precious to me. Firstly, it’s only found in Sarawak therefore it’s very rare for us here in Peninsular and secondly, it’s seasonal, therefore I will only get to eat the fruit if I go to Sarawak at the right time of the year.
Thanks to Siaw Wee, I got to taste dabai again hahaha
The Seed
Within the seed
This is Dabai, I first tasted dabai this Chinese New Year when I was in Sarawak. I did not really appreciate it initially but as I took more of it, I acquired a liking towards it. Dabai is only found in Sarawak, particularly in Sibu. According to an article, the dabai tree is planted mostly along the Rejang River. Some people describe Dabai as the Sarawakian Olive. I can’t really commend on that as I have yet to taste the real fresh olive but I do believe that there is some truth in it.
Dabai has a unique taste, like durian, you either love it or hate it. The flesh is lemak (creamy) and yes I think it is fattening. For most people, the best part of the fruit lies in the seed. The seed is like a nut, you need to crack it to eat it’s content and it’s simply delicious. The only setback is that the seed is pretty hard to crack, therefore patience is needed.
Like nuts, every mouth of dabai is precious to me. Firstly, it’s only found in Sarawak therefore it’s very rare for us here in Peninsular and secondly, it’s seasonal, therefore I will only get to eat the fruit if I go to Sarawak at the right time of the year.
Thanks to Siaw Wee, I got to taste dabai again hahaha
Dabai .. got season one u know. :) I like dabai ... got dabai fried rice eh
ah~ Jen, you make me miss dabai.... I simply love the content of the seeds! I can eat up all u can provide. kekeke..
and that's fatty also
Dabai Fried rice? Errrmmmm....i think i would still stick to fresh Dabai. I like things in it's original form.
Janice, people say distance makes the heart grow fonder, I guess the next time you put dabai into your mouth, you are going to appreciate it even more =)
Hate to break this to you, Jenn, but I get to eat dabai a-n-y-t-i-m-e. Wahahaha.. couldn't help myself (yummy,yummy)
Eh? how come you get to eat dabai anytime ah? I thought it's seasonal? Like durians? From the forest ah? Btw, any idea of how to plant a dabai tree?
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